Discover your self-leadership

Leaders must first lead themselves before they lead others

About us

Leadership Insight is a one to one consultation aimed at creating emotional awareness in relation to your leadership identity. Built around various modules, its foundation is the Leadership Insight Profile.

Fundamental to your Leadership Identity

How is LI different
How is Leadership Insight different?

The Profile accelerates your understanding of how effective you are in the face of leadership challenges and uncertainties. It gives new grip on how you strengthen and develop the unique leadership patterns of engagement that drive you to be good at what you do and on the other hand let go those that do not.

This makes you acutely aware of how some past patterns and complex experiences, support your work and how others sabotage you in your day-to-day interactions, and are likely to elicit negative responses in others.

The more you can bring this awareness to bear in critical moments, the more you behave in adult mode with full responsibility for your actions. This takes practice, but it is invaluable for anyone in a leadership or a co-creative role.

Leadership Insight enables you to take leadership development to a new level of sophistication for you, your team and your organisation.

If you are a leader looking for higher levels of awareness and performance in your role then this may well be your next step.

What Leadership Insight is
  • A potent developmental process designed for those who carry leadership roles in complex organisations, partnerships and professions
  • A personalised analysis in a report on your patterns, principles and behaviours
  • A series of development discussions in extensive one-to-one debriefings with an accredited experienced consultant
  • An enduring self-evaluation for your further development.
What Leadership Insight is not
  • A Psychometric test
  • A typical tick-box test that presents a list of external characteristics
  • A snapshot of your personality, then used to categorise you
  • A method of comparison that ranks you above or below a norm
  • An assessment or recruitment tool
  • A mass instrument
Module One

The individual LI Profile

Enables you to understand the interplay between your emotional responses, the actions you take and the responses you elicit in others. Based on the results of your answers to an in-depth questionnaire a skilled team of analysts prepare two reports.

Together these form The LI Profile:

  • The Personal Report illuminates your patterns of engagement, your coping strategies and the core values that drive you
  • The Work Resume focuses on anchoring your understanding of how you operate at home and work which helps to establish how your organisation can most benefit from working with you

Reading the Personal Report, you first decide what rings true for you. Then, with your consultant you work to amplify the meaning, make connections, use memories and associations – going from ‘what happened back then’ to the core of what is ‘happening right now’. The impact of the personal one-to-one conversations is proven to be as important as the construction and accuracy of the reports. They go beyond simply coaching and problem solving; instead helping you understand the fundamental ways you operate.

How is LI different

Developing emotional awareness is key to your leadership identity. It addresses your capacity to deal with unknown and uncertain, often complex situations that require flexible, resilient coping strategies, new adaptive and sometimes higher levels of thinking and action.

The new awareness becomes an invaluable pointer in helping you to comprehend what is happening to you – not some while later but as it happens, in the heat of the action. You are in control and are able to act responsibly.

In contrast, with a less aware response: you forfeit much of your potential and become victim to your pre-programming. You repeat past patterns of engagement and, as a result, the scene may play out in familiar, but ineffective and possibly even quite damaging ways.

Life cannot be compartmentalised. Essentially you are the same person in private or work-life. Awareness helps you recognise what really matters, moods or attitudes – so you are in a position to take personal responsibility for your own actions.

Part of the role of the Consultant is to slow you down, creating an environment and the space for you to reflect and ask yourself fundamental questions about your choices and behaviours. Crucially the consultant supports you to identify and connect with your underlying patterns – so you become more in charge of the difficult areas in your life, more aware of your own reactions, increasing your ability to react intuitively, wisely, in a timely way.

Moving on to your second report, The Work Résumé establishes your ‘Imperatives’, the interpersonal and task drivers of your attitude to progressing work. The further self-management guidelines on building working alliances include effective approaches to handling difference with key colleagues as well as development options round the priorities you wish to address. Your consultant will guide you through the process of applying your increased emotional acumen to achieving your goals, being resilient in your public role, leading yourself effectively so that you are able to offer sound leadership and advice to others.

Module Two

The Leadership Insight Intensive

This takes personal development into the collective sphere. The five-day master classes are in a group environment. They enable you to experience the impact of your behavioural patterns on others and vice versa how you understand other people.

During the Intensive you have an opportunity to experiment with different roles: the client, consultant, observer, allowing you to use what you have learnt in different contexts. The Intensive acts as a living lab, allowing you to experience the challenges of work in a safe and nurturing group with space to experiment and explore.

Bringing your increased awareness and acumen to bear, the Intensive can:

  • Enable you to confront interactions below the surface – where people cannot communicate or tend to misinterpret each other’s motivations and thinking
  • Enhance your grasp of interpersonal dynamics and cooperation; you will be better able to handle work relations, negotiations, appraisals…
  • Show you how you might choose to act in real-time work and leadership roles

The LI Intensive introduces the conditions for the necessary self-leadership necessary for participants to influence and lead others in a sustainable way.

Module Three

Culture change

How is LI different

In the past response to the need for organisational change was often met by re-organisation –mostly large-scale restructuring. Issues of process were majorly ignored. There is a new emphasis emerging of creating change through interaction between people. This coaching strategy of organisational transformation merges ‘soft and hard’ methods. LI offers consultancy to the leader as coach/facilitator and to organisation-wide transformation.

Consultancy to you in role as Leader-Coach & Facilitator

  • Team development: you may wish to build up the LI approach to organisational change now or at a later point when comfortable with LI yourself
  • Your awareness and resilience energises the team and organisation as a whole to take purposeful action: you roll out the skills for the development of manager-facilitators

Changing the leadership landscape using the LI approach to:

Module Four

Life-enhancing Leadership Programmes

After starting your LI journey, you may like to explore becoming a qualified LI Associate Consultant or join other programmes. Both are run in partnership with The Recess College which is committed to providing on-going personal development and experiential learning for LI consultants. Recess programmes include ‘The Senior Sabbaticals’; for young professionals ‘Our Future Leaders’. The school version, ‘Future Leaders’ is for sixteen-year olds on personal self-development and community in the work-world.

Curious about the practical process?

The questionnaire is an experience in itself – the first part of the process

Here are the steps
  1. You or your organisation purchases the questionnaire, whether for one person, or for a number of people as part of a wider development programme.
  2. The questionnaire is emailed to you along with an encrypted password for access.
  3. You complete the in-depth questionnaire in your own timing and email it back.
  4. The questionnaire is then allocated to a trained and supervised analyst who crafts and prepares the reports. The details of language, the incidents, recollections or content in the questionnaire are never specifically referred to, though they inform the analysis of your patterns of engagement in terms of how you think, feel and act. You and the analyst are the only two who ever see your answers to the questionnaire unless you choose to share these yourself.
  5. One of our consultants receives the Report & Work Resume and contacts you usually a month later to set up a consultation.
  6. Once you are assigned a personal consultant and the first meeting arranged, you sit together and go through the report one level at a time, usually over 4 to 5 half-days at monthly intervals

The LI Concept – The detail behind the model

The LI Concept
The Personal Pattern

– over the course of your life you developed strategies that determine how you interact in the world. One aspect of those strategies are the ‘patterns of engagement’.

Values, Principles or Triggers

– when your personal beliefs or values are challenged by someone or something, different patterns of engagement are set in motion. Used positively they help you. Others trigger in ways unexpected, unwanted, confusing or unhelpful

Your responses & the reactions of others

– shows how your values and guiding principles successfully contribute to, and triggers destabilise, how you operate and interact. It adds the likely reactions of others when you are in tune with your strengths versus struggling with your negative triggers. The Development Section makes extensive, clear, usable suggestions of potential for relating to your strengths and your difficult drivers that you might consolidate or wish to adapt.

The Work Resume

– translates the personal report into relevance for work. The sections on Task Imperatives and Interpersonal Drivers describe practical methods for success as a leader at work. Self-management guidelines rehearse skills for critical work-related conversations.

Origins of Leadership Insight
The origins of Leadership Insight

The theoretical grounding of the Leadership Insight Process derives from both Transactional Analysis and Complexity Theory.

Thoroughly researched for cross-cultural integrity, the Profile is effective for talent management across a diversity of cultures and for developing new human resources in emergent environments. Extensive longitudinal research at Witwatersrand University, SA validates the profile as highly significant statistically. As such the Profile has been successfully used, amongst others, in the USA, Central Europe, China, Africa, Australasia and in Europe particularly, The Netherlands and Great Britain.

Professionals from different psychological fields find the LI approach stimulating and energising, to use. It has proven compatibility with psychological approaches ranging from psychoanalysis to cognitive psychology as well across management theory.

Meet our team of consultants

Elisabeth Henderson
Elisabeth Henderson (Director)

Elisabeth is Director of The Leadership Insight Company. As a lead consultant on major organisational change projects in industry, government and private sector she is committed to cross-national training and development. She founded The Recess College for her own clients and others in 1988 to offer a training and development experience of leadership change and authenticity. Her career began in social action and later in adult, group psychotherapy and organisational dynamics at the Tavistock Institute.

Ute Bock
Ute Bock

Currently Ute is an Area Manager for Fiat Chrysler Rimaco SA/Fiat Chrysler Automobile Group (Austria, Russia, Turkey and various countries in the CEE & CIS region). She also has a self-employed position in the field of Risk Consultation. She is interested in training development of public, private and voluntary responses to high risk environments and crisis situations. Ute is now based in Switzerland and was previously an Associate of the Bayswater Institute linked to the Tavistock Institute She attended The Recess College and completed the LI Consultant training

Cheryl Brooker
Cheryl Brooker

Cheryl is the lead coordinator for Leadership Insight Personal Consultations and training. An independent consultant for over 10 years, Cheryl was an ‘Investors in People’ Advisor and Assessor, supporting leaders and teams on communication and culture to organisational change. She leads staff engagement, team and leadership development within the NHS. Currently she is also Business Manager for The Recess College. She trained as Leadership Insight Consultant in 2014 and attended The Recess College in 2016.

Eppo Bruins
Eppo Bruins

Since 2015, as a member of Dutch Parliament, the Tweede Kamer, Eppo supports the activities of Leadership Insight and The Recess College in the role of ambassador, sponsor and liaison for The Netherlands. As Executive Director of The Dutch Science &Technology Foundation (STW), Eppo attended The Recess College for his own professional and organisational development in 2010. He trained as an LI consultant, helped commission, develop and grow ‘Our Future Leaders’ for younger professionals in The Netherlands.

Rita Garner
Rita Garner

Rita has a distinguished career as an NHS manager with an early background as a pharmacist. Currently she works for and coordinates a variety of voluntary organisations and is immersed in understanding the dynamics of community and NGO’s. She works as a facilitator for the both the Recess College Sabbatical and Our Future Leaders Programmes. Rita is a Leadership Insight Consultant and manages the Mentor and Coaching programme for Recess College Alumni.

Perdita Hunt
Perdita Hunt OBE DL

Perdita is Trustee of the National Lottery Heritage Fund, distributing funds to UK heritage projects. She has led the management of change in major national arts, heritage and environment organisations She was Director of Watts Gallery-Artists’ Village from 2004 – 2017 leading the restoration of the Gallery, artists’ studio, chapel and artist’s home. Prior to this, she was Director of Communications at WWF-UK. She attended the Recess College in 2000 and has since worked as a staff member and LI consultant.

Niels Janssen
Niels Janssen

Niels is Founder Director of Eurekon Strategy Development Partners, Rotterdam. He is consultant who gains his energy from solving complex issues – both in business strategy and in human relationships. He combines the analytical and quantitative approach with a keen eye for people development. He joined the Recess College in 2001 to further develop his ‘soft’ side that was undernourished in ordinary business life. Trained as a Leadership Insight coach in 2008/09 as part of his enduring learning.

Petra Kern
Petra Kern

Petra has operated for over 25 years as a gallery owner running a world-wide art business at Galerie G. This on-going art business is combined with working as a senior member and Director-consultant with the Business Network Institute, Heidelberg supporting and developing local businesses. Her career started in Banking (Bankfachwirtin) and up to 2012 she worked in a consultant company supporting the local municipal economy. She attended The Recess College in 2010 and afterwards the LI training.

Willem Moolenburgh
Willem Moolenburgh

Willem has a 15-year track record as a strategy and innovation consultant within the corporate world, advising Internet, clean and high-tech clients. He has a personal background in the fields of artificial intelligence and technology management. He helps organisations to confront their future challenges, identify the consequent required organisational reformatting and assists leadership to embrace these organisational and personal changes to the fullest. This supports his executive role in The Recess College for ‘Our Future Leader’& alumni’.

Amy Page
Amy Page

Amy is a Healthcare Improvement Consultant previously working for the NHS. She works mainly with challenged health care organisations to improve clinical pathways with a particular focus on the re-design of the organisational structure, staffing and culture. Amy cares greatly about the overall experience for patients and staff associated with complex organisational change and her sensitivity in this approach with staff helps to connect her work as a Leadership Insight and Recess College associate to her consultancy practice.

Mark Preston
Mark Preston

Mark is an entrepreneur and company business consultant, and since 2005 has specialised in the turnaround of Distressed Companies in Poland. With over 15 years of experience of the Central European market he is fluent in Polish. Mark is also an executive coach of long-standing who brings a breadth of senior management and consultation experience to consulting with entrepreneurs and leaders of multi-national corporations. He trained as a LI consultant and works with The Recess College.

Carol Scott
Carol Scott

Carol has a long and successful career as a Director in the voluntary housing sector in Scotland for the last 25 years. She is a qualified mediator and experienced coach with particular interest and expertise in the governance of voluntary sector and Not for Profit organisations. She is experienced in negotiating senior staff support. Carol is also an accomplished artist and yoga teacher who further trained as a LI consultant.

Jacqui Watt
Jacqui Watt

Jacqui is CEO of ‘No to Violence’ a significant pioneering NGO in Victoria, Australia. She was CEO of the Scottish Federation of Housing, worked with KPMG and in Anglicare, Victoria, was responsible for leading change in Housing and Children & Family sectors. This built on her experience as Director of Community Services in the Shetland Isles. She also runs her own Melbourne consultancy, DLA, on leadership and change. Her ambition is to bring LI fully to Australia.

What our clients are saying about us

“..immensely increased understanding now of what my behaviours looks like … and how I might change my responses in different situations”

“Am hugely pleased with the whole process. The reports reflect who I am, my unique strengths… have given me the tools to see and develop myself in a wholly new way”

“New understanding of my strengths, my ability, with capability for going forward”

“I achieved far more through LI than I ever anticipated – in ways I never expected – and now finally understand how my leadership is, essentially, about me”

“My consultant had the ability to cut through, remove unnecessary considerations and distractions, drilling down to key areas, exploring these in depth in order to help me formulate root causes and therefore, patterns I can react and respond to.”

“To others I would say: LI will provide you with valuable insight, if you’re prepared to be honest with yourself, prepared to challenge yourself and prepared to change… as all the information and support is there to help you do so”